Legal services
Personal injury.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, then you have a potential claim for damages, including medical treatment, loss of income and pain and suffering. We are very experienced at determining whether you have a case and what its value is, as well as fighting hard for you with insurance to get you the recovery you deserve.
bicycle vs. auto collision.
With more than 700 miles of designated bikeways in our region (far more than any city in the US, including Portland OR’s 180 miles), bicycle-car accidents are unfortunately becoming more common. We understand Arizona law on bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities, and will work diligently to make sure you are treated fairly.
Motorcycle accident.
If you’ve been injured while on your motorcycle, we’re ready to help. We will apply our experience with personal injury law to help you obtain the best compensation available to you.
truck accident.
Being hit by a large semi or tractor trailer is serious business and often serious, even catastrophic, damages result. We will go to work on your behalf so that you receive appropriate compensation for your injuries.
wrongful death.
When someone dies as a result of someone else’s negligence, family members can sue for damages to be compensated for the loss of their loved one, including loss of income the deceased would have provided and pain and suffering of family members.
insurance bad faith.
Your insurance company has a duty to pay policy holder claims fairly, fully and promptly. When it fails to do so, we can file a claim for bad faith to make it live up to its obligations.
dog bite.
Arizona is a strict liability state with no “one free bite” exemption. This means you’re entitled to compensation even if it’s the first time the dog has bitten anyone. We understand how this works and will help you recover.